As a SEO company, we see companies focused on visual aspects of their marketing strategy, not knowing that there is no great SEO campaign without unique content. At WebSightSEO we like to emphasize to our clients how important this is. Google rewards companies that add the value of fresh content to their database by giving them better rankings. We have put together 5 points to remember when writing content for your website.
When people think keywords they think my company name. But the truth is until you are a well-known household brand keyword research is essential to a successful SEO strategy
For instance: XYZ Lipstick is a new lipstick company that is trying to get people to see their new products online. What would someone looking for lipstick search online?
As you can see they are not using the term “XYZ” lipstick for sale. So there is a fine line between the right and the wrong keywords. Doing industry relevant keyword searches continuously is part of the recipe to a winning content.
Think like your user
When writing content it’s important to remember that you don’t always have to sell your service, your user is looking for something specific, get to the point so that they know you have what they are looking for. Make use of your main keywords in the opening of your content so that people searching your keywords will see it before they click off the page.
The length of your content matters, some people like long lengthy full of information article, others prefer the quick reads, covering all the need to know facts. But what does Google like? They don’t really read too much into really short content and prefer something that has at least 300 – 500 words. This is a nice middle ground. BUT DON’T BE MISTAKEN, Google loves long lengthy informative content. So don’t be afraid to put it all out there just ensure its informative and useful to the end user.
Let’s talk about how often you should be reworking your content. If your company has a blog, it’s important that you focus on this. People like to be kept in the loop and making sure your writing interesting relevant articles can only do wonders for your SEO campaign, as well as keep people coming back. Just make sure your blogs are informative, don’t waste time slapping content together that will bare no fruit. When writing content for a website there is only the need to tweak it if need be. There is no need to regularly completely change it. Constant keyword ranking research will give you a clear indication on if your website needs fresh content or some tweaking.
Choose the right person
It’s important that you choose people that love what they do to write your content. People who write about their passion tend to write with more insight and enthusiasm. These people are able to get people to read more. Making use of content writers when you’re feeling less inspired to write is okay. Don’t be afraid of this. Just make sure you provide the writer with as much information on the product or service, so they are able to write an informative piece.
At WebSightSEO we say “content is king” we encourage everyone to not overlook this when starting a business, or while running their business. Interested to know what your industries biggest keywords are so you can get to writing great useful content? Email us today with a company brief and we will give you your top 3 keywords.
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